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The Personal Computer

"That damn box that never works!"

I first got a PC in 1998- an IBM Aptiva. It served me loyally until it finally gave out in 2004 after I accidentally knocked it off a table during some minor repairs. However, before it croaked, it did give me some grand times. There are plenty of computer games out there, and almost everyone has their favourites. I'm not patient enough to do some on Half-Life or Doom, so I'm gonna jump right into my favourites.

Starcraft - The best PC game ever.

Who doesn't remember Starcraft? The defining real time strategy. Amazing graphics, perfectly balanced gameplay, free online servers with Battle.Net? What more could you ask for?

The Discworld MUD

Now, bear with me. Some of you may never have heard of a MUD, and those of you who have probably never considered playing one. But they can be absolutely great, if you approach them the right way.